About "The Anti Tsukasa Cult"

Hello there! Today I'll talk about the "lore", including a ModMail I got.

I don't want to reveal anybody, but today I got a ModMail about banning someone and I want to say I banned only 1 person from our subreddit (an user who isn't even joined) and other than that, I didn't ban any users.

I don't plan to ruin the fun or the "lore", but please don't fill the whole subreddit with low quality posts. I'll be adding a new flair titled "Lore" so you guys can keep enjoying with your fun.

The only condition I'm putting is please don't fill the subreddit with these posts. Because 70% of the posts are low quality and doesn't contain any "fun" or anything dedicated to Tsukasa or r/TsukasaWorshipping which is our subreddit.

I'm not planning to ban anyone for just having fun unless they're only a troll or harming the subreddit. The posts about the "Anti Tsukasa Cult Lore" will get their flair changed by me, please don't bother.

Have a good day!

-Yuliyaki, the KING

Hello there! Today I'll talk about the "lore", including a ModMail I got.

I don't want to reveal anybody, but today I got a ModMail about banning someone and I want to say I banned only 1 person from our subreddit (an user who isn't even joined) and other than that, I didn't ban any users.

I don't plan to ruin the fun or the "lore", but please don't fill the whole subreddit with low quality posts. I'll be adding a new flair titled "Lore" so you guys can keep enjoying with your fun.

The only condition I'm putting is please don't fill the subreddit with these posts. Because 70% of the posts are low quality and doesn't contain any "fun" or anything dedicated to Tsukasa or r/TsukasaWorshipping which is our subreddit.

I'm not planning to ban anyone for just having fun unless they're only a troll or harming the subreddit. The posts about the "Anti Tsukasa Cult Lore" will get their flair changed by me, please don't bother.

Have a good day!

-Yuliyaki, the KING